How Thick is Acoustic Underlay? A Comprehensive Guide

Acoustic underlay is a type of flooring material that is designed to reduce the amount of sound that passes through the floor. It can be installed on most types of grouted, glued and floating floors, including ceramic tiles, stone, marble, brick, pavers, hardwood, engineered wood, laminates, parquet, luxury vinyl tiles, and carpets. The gold EPE foam base is 3 mm thick, offering slightly greater acoustic protection than the general silver option. The “level 2” version of the base layer is considered to be non-acoustic, as it offers slightly better performance.

Floor Acoustic is available in a 3 mm thick layer that includes 6 mm moisture barriers to improve moisture protection. It has been tested with the highest IIC-74 and STC-73 classifications, making it ideal insulation from impact noise and no other protection against impact noise is necessary. It is environmentally friendly and is available in a thickness of 2 mm to 10 mm to meet the requirements of the acoustic base of the floor. The MuTeMat 3 is the best acoustic base that helps you meet the construction standards of Part E without the need to use any other material. The best acoustic base on its own is the MuTeMat 3, which helps reduce both impact and airborne noise. In the case of carpets, you need a product that is soft but does not touch the ground, like many of the acoustic base layers on the market.

This combination of acoustic base layers allows for much better results with thinner soundproofing products. Close hermetically against the wall: place the acoustic base at wall height, place a washer on the mat and use the inside of the washer to draw a line on the mat by dragging it across the wall for an exact replica of the shape and curve of the wall. This, together with the MuteMat range, offers the highest performing acoustical base combination, while maintaining the layer as thin as possible. The science behind acoustic subfloor layers can be complicated, but the main factors for reducing sound come down to three components: thickness, density and composition. By having several layers of different thicknesses and densities, you can smooth out this drop in performance and achieve the best soundproofing of your acoustic base. Marvel hybrid floors can be installed practically anywhere, as they have the highest acoustic certification without the need for an additional underlayer. For example, FloorVenue has the Marvel SPC hybrid floor, which has a 6-star acoustic layer pre-installed.

The products range from high-density SBR rubber to weather-resistant PU binders, which keep the acoustic base firm under the floor for decades.

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